オルタナティブアパレルカスタム入荷!!ALTERNATIVE APPARELオルタネイティブアパレルTHE ROCKY ECOFLEECE ZIP HOODIEオーガニックコットン使用リサイクル素材後染め霜降り生地グラデーションパーカーBLACK/OLIVE/GRAY(ブラック/オリーブ/グレー)【代引料・送料無料】
[about alternativeappare]the people who work at alternative, the people who buy alternative, and the people who wear alternative all have one thing in common:they are individuals.they are creators.people like yourself who can take a t-shirt and make it something entirely new. something that is your own. screen-printing, overdying, embroidery, deconstruction, reconstruction: only a few of the limitless possibilites of what you can do to your t-shirt. our t-shirts are blank canvases for your personal expression.or perhaps you'd like to wear your t-shirt plain? our super soft garments are made for fashion, manufactured for comfort, and tailored for fit. our tees are works of art in themselves, and we hope you appreciate them as much as we do.however you do it, wear your t-shirt proud. and wear it everywhere. who says that your tee isn't the highest fashion statement? who says that your tee isn't a form of art? it's not a casual garment anymore. your t-shirt is more exciting and more lovely and more awesome and more appropriate than any old blouse or any boring coat and tie you could put on.but don't stop with us. we want you to express yourself in every aspect of your life; we want everything you do to be an art form. what are you doing beyond what you are wearing? write a song. paint a picture. or maybe you're a photographer? maybe you're a dj? or a graphic artist? or a writer? it doesn't matter, as long as you are inspired to create something new everyday, whether large or small. you've got an endless universe at your fingertips - grab hold and do something with it!we hope that we can inspire you to do something new today. we hope that we can inspire you to be who you are, to do what you want, and to put your stamp on the world.because there is no alternative to being yourself.[Product Info]a tremendous amount of care goes into each product we manufacture, rendering unique hemlines, unique stitching details, and a perfect no shrinkage fit. all of our products are garment washed, yielding an extremely soft fabric. this leaves our fabrics vintage in feel, but modern in style. fabrication is an extremely important element of our line. our lightweight, fine gauge, and sheer fabrications are combined with modern, body-conscious silhouettes. we hope you enjoy wearing our product as much as we enjoy designing it.ただのオルタじゃないんです!!オルタナティブアパレルカスタム入荷!!エコ素材使用で肌にも地球にも優しく作られた逸品です。
STAFF りょうた / 身長173センチ 体重58kgでSサイズ着用 インナー Good On グッドオン / 5.5oz 2Tone Stripe Reactive Dye ロングスリーブ ポケット付きボーダーTシャツ パンツ Dickies ディッキーズ / ヘリンボーン生地 リラックスストレート ノーマルライズワークパンツ DARK BROWN ブーツ vervetred ベルベットレッド / TRECKING アンティークレザー 6インチ丈 トレッキングブーツ BLACK/BLACKサイズ着 丈身 幅袖 丈肩 幅XSサイズ60cm42cm57.5cm37cmSサイズ65cm42cm63.5cm38cmMサイズ62.5cm49cm63.5cm41cm※実寸表記ですが若干サイズに誤差が生じる場合がございます。
alternative apparelカスタムパーカーの入荷です。
地球と肌に優しいエコボディを使用した「alternative earth」シリーズのユニセックス裏フリースパーカーに「The Rocky Eco-Fleece Zip Hoodie」にグラデーション染めを施したパーカー。
ピンク/ミント/グレーブラック/オリーブ/グレー [alternativeapparel/オルタナティブ/オルタネイティブ アパレルとは] アメリカ・カリフォルニアにて「Unique Clothing」をコンセプトにクオリティーにこだわったヴィンテージを意識したカットソーを生産。
近年では海外セレブ御用達ショップのオリジナルボディにも使用されているほど生地とラインのクオリティの高さには定評があり、新鋭ブランドながらアメリカンアパレル、ヘインズ、キャンバーに肩を並べるknit clothingです。
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